If you are reading this, chances are you might have or know someone with a reproductive “disease.”
Endometriosis effects 1 in 10 women.
How many of you that are dealing with chronic issues have been told:
There is no cure
You will need to be on prescription drugs for life
Invasive surgery is your only option
I am living proof that there is another option- FINDING. THE. ROOT. CAUSE. This past September marked 2 years now of living pain + symptom-free, ever since I sought treatment from a health practitioner that actually cared about finding & treating that root cause. I was symptom-free within just two appointments. After the third appointment, I got pregnant with my baby boy. I felt so compelled to share my success story with the world that I created a YouTube video doing just that. Since I have posted this video, women from all over the world have flown out to see this chiropractor in St. Petersburg, FL. The amount of success stories I have heard from these women are too many to count. I will never stop shouting this story of healing from the rooftops.
Here is my story: